Sport Massage Academy

Using Enhanced Learning Credits


Alex Hall: 29/06/2024

What are Enhanced Learning Credits (ELC)?

Ehanced Learning Credits are part of a scheme by the MOD to promote lifelong learning amongst members of the armed forces. They are earned through length of services, and can be used to access nationally recognised courses at level 3 or above such as our Sports Massage Diploma. The MOD will pay up to 80% of your course fees

How do I use my ELC?

You must be a registered ELCAS scheme memeber and accrued a sufficient length of service to earn your credits. You can then log in to the ELCAS website to make your claim, or do it through your Training Officer, all of our provider and course details can be found here. Further details depending on whether you are currently serving or have left the service can be found using the links below

Once your claim has been processed, send it to us via email at, we'll then ask you to complete a registration form and pay your deposit contribution. You'll then be fully enrolled and be sent your course materials to start your learning journey. The whole enrollment process usually only takes a few days from start to finish.

ELCAS Case Study - Nick Cole

Nick Cole Sports Massage Therapist

How Easy was the process of using your ELCAS credits with the Sports Massage Academy?

The process for using ELCAS was easy, once I had found SMA and found out that they accepted ELCAS. I created an account with ELCAS, applied for the courses, received a Course Acceptance Notice (CAN) which I sent to Alex and that was me booked on the course. I combined the level 3 and 4 courses which meant using a full £2000 upper tier ELC and then the personal contribution I paid in instalments. From start to finish the process took 2 days.

What did you use your ELC for?

I used ELCAS for the Level 3 and 4 Sports massage courses. I have also used Standard Learning Credits (SLC) for Myofascial cupping and K taping courses.

How have you used the qualifications you've acheived?

When I finished the courses, I decided to call my business ‘Nick Cole Sports Massage’. I was quite lucky as one of my Lance Corporals was a backs coach for the Corps of Royal Engineers Rugby. They are in the top league for the Army Corps rugby and have won it the last three seasons now. He managed to get me on the medical team where I have been for three seasons now. This opened a lot of doorways for me, as to this date I have worked voluntarily for Army rugby Wales and even went on tour to Holland with them, I worked with UKAF under 23’s rugby, Royal Engineer boxing teams and various crossfit competitions within the Army. At the last Corps final game, the Army men’s senior rugby manager approached me and said ‘we like what you have been doing, would you like to work with us?’. This culminated in my working with the team on several games and then the Army v Navy game at Twickenham 2024. I have also volunteered at Hook FC in the Hampshire premier league. I also spend a lot of my spare time helping my fellow soldiers with training programmes, injury prevention and rehabilitation. The small wins which sport massage provides to a team is an asset to increase performance and injury prevention. I have done thousands of massages to date and each time I am away with a team I learn so much more about massage, the body, and individuals. I am in the final year of a 22 year Army career and planning on setting up my own business in Sports massage when I leave.

Check out the rest of Nick's story via his feature in our Graduate of the Month